Rewards Program
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Heartwarming Treasures® Rewards Program
Earn discounts on your online purchases with our rewards program! Here's how it works: Every time you place an online order you receive 7 points for every dollar spent. These points can be redeemed for discount codes that can be used to receive discounts during the checkout process. Refer to the "How To Redeem Rewards Points" section below for instructions on how to obtain a discount code.
Other ways to earn reward points (in addition to making purchases):
1) When you create an account you earn 200 rewards points.
2) During account creation, you are prompted for your birth date. If you provide your birth date, you will receive 100 reward points on every birthday.
3) After every five online purchases your account will be credited with 500 reward points.
4) For every new customer who was referred by you, your account will be credited with 500 reward points. This can be attributed if your referral came to the website via an email sent in the Earn Rewards window (see 5) below) or a mention by the new customer in the "Special Instructions to Seller" section of the order.
5) See additional ways to earn points in the Earn Points menu item of the Earn Rewards window. For example, sharing us on Facebook or visiting our Facebook page from the Earn Rewards UI earns points.
How to redeem rewards points:
1) Login to your account
2) Click on "Earn Rewards" tab at bottom left of page:
3) The Rewards window should appear, and show the "Get Rewards" page (see picture below). In the upper left of the popup under "Reward Points" the current rewards point balance for the account is displayed.
4) Click on one of the rewards boxes to spend points and receive a one-use discount code. Record this discount code for use during checkout.
5) During checkout, look for the discount code text box and enter the discount code from step 4) above. On a desktop browser, the discount code box should be in the upper right inside the blue right rail:
![discount code box](
If you need any assistance with redeeming reward points please feel free to call us toll free in the United States at 1-866-332-6904 or email